Board Leadership

Board of Directors

BCA is a member-owned organization comprised of over 50 independent blood centers across the United States. Each member-owner is entitled to a seat on the BCA Board of Directors. Non-owner members pay annual dues, do not participate on the Board, but do enjoy all other benefits of membership. BCA also has 5 Purchasing Associates that participate in certain BCA programs.

Comprised of a representative from each of the 30 plus equity owners, the Board is responsible for BCA’s strategy, direction and overall operations.

The Board typically meets three times annually.

Executive Committee

Because BCA Board of Directors is relatively large, the Board has assigned its leadership to an Executive Committee elected on an annual basis. Currently the Executive Committee is comprised of the following positions and board members:

Chair:  Delisa English
Executive President and CEO, The Blood Connection
Vice Chair: Mike Parejko
CEO, Impact Life
Treasurer:  BJ Smith
Vice President of Operations and IS, Carter BloodCare
Secretary:  Corey Survant
President and CEO, Coastal Bend Blood Center
Director: Harpreet Sandhu
Executive Director/CEO, Stanford Blood Center
Director: Curt Bailey
President and CEO,  Bloodworks NW
Director: Doug Morton
CEO,  San Diego Blood Bank